
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Stebbins Cold Canyon Hike

A 45-minute drive west of Davis (15 minute west of Vacaville, CA) bring you to Stebbins Cold Canyon and the Homestead Trail. This is part of the UC Davis Natural Reserve System which contains many locations for outdoor activities/research.

When you get to the parking area (marked only by a silver gate), there is no obvious signage to get you to the correct trail, only after you have found it (cross the dangerous road with no visibility, and veer right on the trail) and walked on it for a while, do you find a information placard and sign-in area(also after two very narrow gate passages (we had a bit of a time getting through with the child hiking carrier.

We stopped for a picnic lunch at the cold storage remains at the end of the homestead trail a very shady area with lots of rock foundation to sit on.

The trail is half shady and half exposed with a fun little "living tunnel".

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